Art Perfectionism

Stop Trying to Create Perfect Art

July 5, 2024

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Watercolor flower paintings and paint palette on art desk
I'm Tammy Kaye

As an artist AND a mental health therapist, I love mixing self-care in with watercolor to help you let go of perfectionism in your art.  If this sounds good to you, follow me for more tips and tricks!


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Home » Blog » Stop Trying to Create Perfect Art

I struggle with perfect art

Are you struggling with the need, no, the strong urge to create perfect art every time you put down a brushstroke or cook a meal, or play the piano? I know the struggle is real for me….

Wait a minute though, Tammy, don’t you always talk about ways to stop doing this? Haven’t you overcome this anxiety-ridden habit so you can create with ease and joy and be stress-free? After all, you’re also a mental health therapist! Well I do and you can read a little bit more on my journey and my mindset.

Okay, so that may have been my own head talking, the inner rumblings that stumble through my mind from time to time. I wouldn’t talk about this issue if it weren’t something that I struggle with on a regular basis. As someone who has had anxiety for as long as I can remember, it really comes out in my art. Making perfect art is what is sucking the playfulness and joy out of our sessions!

So why the need for perfect?

I’m just so scared to mess up or waste supplies or even make something disappointing and that’s what I hear most from you guys as well. Can you relate? If this doesn’t keep you up at night, then please move on. But if it resonates with you, keep reading.

I think we get into a phase of believing (especially when we’re learning) that we need to know ALL THE THINGS before we actually know all the things. As adults, we’ve lost our beautiful, innocent mindset of just making art and not thinking twice about it. But have you noticed that those anxious thoughts steal away the peace and joy you want to experience when you paint, or draw or make anything with your hands?

Fears in art

But if we try to embrace the fear instead of running away from it, we can realize that it doesn’t serve us at all. Allowing our brains to go there, to wonder and then to move on and make something anyway. We slowly learn that those fears will go away if left alone and we can actually enjoy our experience in creativity! Embracing the fear in art is the post you should read next.

Another reason we want to create perfect art is that we are afraid if we don’t do it! I know it may sound silly to talk about fearing making something ugly or disappointing, or wasting supplies but I’ve heard many stories of students who were literally avoiding painting or creating because they didn’t want to feel bad if it didn’t turn out well. I can relate because I’ve had many moments where I felt down when a piece turned out bad. Somehow feelings of failure can easily creep in and take over our motivation to make something.

The invitation

I invite you on a journey with me – to discover what art making can be like when we throw out the perfectionism and tell our brains what to really think; “This is just practice”, “I’m getting better every time I make something”, “I’m improving and learning.” Let’s stop allowing our brains to tell us lies. To help you out in this area, I’ve created a freebie just for you! It’s a 3-page cheat sheet to help you let go of perfectionism in your art. It even has scenarios to work through, as well as watercolor and drawing exercises to help you let go!

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I'm Tammy Kaye

 I love painting loose florals and landscapes and enjoy mixing self-care tips and strategies in with what I teach. But what I'm most passionate about is helping you let go of art perfectionism to really learn to enjoy the process of creating, not just the end result. As you begin to relax, play, and have fun while making something with your own hands, your brain and body are learning to be calm. 

My biggest passion is to help you let go of perfectionism in art and learn to PLAY again, like you did as a child. Art heals the brain and keeps us happy and healthy :)

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Tammy Kaye

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