Watercolor Tips

Got Watercolor Goals? Three Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself

September 18, 2024

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Loose pink watercolor flowers
I'm Tammy Kaye

As an artist AND a mental health therapist, I love mixing self-care in with watercolor to help you let go of perfectionism in your art.  If this sounds good to you, follow me for more tips and tricks!


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Why Set Watercolor Goals

Goals tend to be something we set at the beginning of the New Year, when everyone is excited and ready for a new start. But who says we can’t set goals at any time of the year? When it comes to watercolor painting, there are so many things that can make our experience frustrating and difficult, even though watercolor is a medium that can bring us so much playfulness! Many of those things can include our watercolor supplies, our time management, and our frustration levels. Because watercolor can be very tricky to learn, many can experience frustrations that cloud over that joy.

Goals can come in handy when we’re floundering with our watercolor painting and not sure how to get over the learning curve. They can re-focus us and prioritize what we’re really trying to accomplish. Are we practicing watercolor to find new ways to be happy? Are we using it to help us escape a reality we’d much rather bury? Did someone buy us a whole bunch of supplies and we’re learning watercolor simply because we feel guilty? By the way, if you are wanting to learn watercolor basics, check out my course. The answers to the question of why will help us know how to set our healthy goals.

Questions to ask yourself

So within the questioning and the wondering, here are three questions to ask yourself to get you to a more goal-oriented place:

1. What is one thing that will help me to be a better painter?

2. How can I experience more happiness in my painting?

3. How can I add in more painting practice each week?

If you can set three simple watercolor goals that answer these questions, I am confident these will make a big difference in your life! Make sure to write them down and find someone else with which to be accountable. I am sure you will start to feel a sense of direction that you may have been lacking before. And while you’re at it, check out my watercolor SkillShare class on how to let go of perfectionism in your art!

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I'm Tammy Kaye

 I love painting loose florals and landscapes and enjoy mixing self-care tips and strategies in with what I teach. But what I'm most passionate about is helping you let go of art perfectionism to really learn to enjoy the process of creating, not just the end result. As you begin to relax, play, and have fun while making something with your own hands, your brain and body are learning to be calm. 

My biggest passion is to help you let go of perfectionism in art and learn to PLAY again, like you did as a child. Art heals the brain and keeps us happy and healthy :)

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